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Top Books for Expecting Fathers


None of us are born with a parenting bone in our bodies. It’s a skill that many of us have to learn along the way.

Luckily, you don’t have to go through it all blindly.

There are several resources that expecting fathers like you can use to prepare yourselves for the long journey ahead. From blogs such as this one to books and Parenting Programs in Bronx, New York, you can find help in a variety of places. All you need to do is look.

Below, we’ve made a list of several books that expecting fathers can read to help them get ready for fatherhood.

  • Caring for Your Baby and Young Child by the American Academy of Pediatrics
    In this book, fathers can find dedicated chapters on feeding, sleep, developmental stages, common ailments, and more. It’s 960 pages long and chock full of valuable parenting tips, advice, and reassurance for first-time fathers.

    Check it out here.

  • The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp
    This book will teach you all about sleep and how to calm your crying baby. It’s a more researched and comprehensive version of the previous book we mentioned. And it’s only over 350 pages long, so you won’t have such a hard time flipping through it.

    Check it out here.

These books are just some of the things that can help you get started on learning how to be a good dad to your baby. Another great alternative you should consider is fatherhood training.

At Fathers 4 Progress Inc., our comprehensive Fatherhood Program in New York helps both experienced and first-time fathers understand their roles better to provide better quality care for their children.

Contact us to learn more about our services!

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