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Dads Encouraging Their Children to Read

One of the best gifts parents can offer their kids is the love of reading. That’s why any parenting skill program in New York always teaches clients how to encourage their children to read.

Reading enhances literacy and cognitive skills and fosters creativity, empathy, and a lifelong passion for learning.

Always remember that as a father, you play a crucial role in nurturing your child’s love for books.

Here are other ways you can encourage a love of reading in your children aside from reading together:

  • Be a Reading Model

    Children often emulate their parent’s behavior, so setting a positive example is essential. If you’re unsure about the proper steps, enroll in parent training in New York; they can teach you.

    Make reading a habit, and show your child how much you appreciate reading. They will be able to relate reading to relaxation and enjoyment.

  • Visit the Library

    Make regular trips to the library as a family outing. Family trips are essential for good parenting.

    Encourage your child to explore different genres and authors, and help them select books that pique their curiosity. It will expose them to a diverse range of literature and cultivate a sense of excitement around reading.

As you can see, dads can encourage their children to develop a lifetime love of reading and the many advantages books can offer by taking an active role in their literary journey.

You may start looking for parenting programs in Bronx, NY, that can teach you how to make your child love reading. Fathers 4 Progress Inc. can help you anytime when it comes to that.

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